X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Sender: To: lml@lancaironline.net Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 12:16:11 -0400 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from gluon.sasknet.sk.ca ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.4.0) with ESMTPS id 5034000 for lml@lancaironline.net; Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:36:22 -0400 Received-SPF: none receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=hjjohnson@sasktel.net Received: from pps.filterd (gluon []) by gluon.sasknet.sk.ca (8.14.3/8.14.3) with SMTP id p5RFXLbJ024756 for ; Mon, 27 Jun 2011 09:35:46 -0600 Received: from bgmpomr1.sasknet.sk.ca (bgmpOMR1.sasknet.sk.ca []) by gluon.sasknet.sk.ca with ESMTP id x6u8habjd-1 for ; Mon, 27 Jun 2011 09:35:46 -0600 Received: from sasktel.net ([]) by bgmpomr1.sasknet.sk.ca (SaskTel eMessaging Service) with ESMTP id <0LNG007VMGNMTR00@bgmpomr1.sasknet.sk.ca> for lml@lancaironline.net; Mon, 27 Jun 2011 09:35:46 -0600 (CST) Received: from [] (Forwarded-For: []) by cgmail1.sasknet.sk.ca (mshttpd); Mon, 27 Jun 2011 09:35:46 -0600 X-Original-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 09:35:46 -0600 From: H & J Johnson Subject: Re: [LML] Re: Airplane needs to be "fixed," Stall Speeds, Wing Cuffs, Vortex Generators for L... X-Original-To: Lancair Mailing List X-Original-Message-id: MIME-version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Sun Java(tm) System Messenger Express 6.1 HotFix 0.20 (built Feb 27 2006) Content-type: text/html; charset=windows-1252 Content-language: en Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-disposition: inline X-Accept-Language: en Priority: normal X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version: vendor=fsecure engine=2.50.10432:5.4.6813,1.0.148,0.0.0000 definitions=2011-06-27_05:2011-06-27,2011-06-27,1970-01-01 signatures=0 X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details: rule=outbound_notspam policy=default score=0 spamscore=0 ipscore=0 suspectscore=4 phishscore=0 bulkscore=0 adultscore=0 classifier=spam adjust=0 reason=mlx engine=5.0.0-1012030000 definitions=main-1106270098 =3CBODY=3E=3CP=3EI swore I was just going to sit on my hands but=2E=2E=2E= =2E=26nbsp=3B darn-it I can=27t=2E=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B =3C/P=3E =3CP=3EBob your saying your more comfortable in a fighter =5Bwhich has k= nown for its =3CSTRONG=3E=3CEM=3ESUPER=26nbsp=3BPOOR=3C/EM=3E=3C/STRONG=3E= stall recovery ability=5D in slow flight than you are in the IV=3F=26nb= sp=3B I can=27t comment on the F22 as I never=26nbsp=3Blearned much abou= t what it can or can=27t do in the stall=2E I can imagine w/ the vectore= d thrust that it=27s never going to be an issue unless your dead stick =5B= at which time the plane would have to fend for itself while you pulled t= he =27handle=27=2C I=27m sure=5D=26nbsp=3B but the F16 has been known =5B= since it was built=5D that it has =3CEM=3ENEARLY=3C/EM=3E unrecoverble in a stall=2E If you hit 10000=27 and your not recovered=2C= just pull the handle=2E=26nbsp=3B I=27ve read accounts of test pilots w= ho stalled them and it took 15000+ft to recover and then just barely bef= ore the hard-deck=2E As I understand it=2C to recover you need to use st= ick movement in the direction of the oscillations =5Brocking the plane i= n pitch to get it to =27unstall=27 at the apex of one of the down pitch = oscillations=5D=2E=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3BSo it=27s established=2C the F16 i= s not one to be stalled=2C infact I think there is a =27down pitch=27 co= mmand =5Bbuilt into the control software for the flight controls=5D that= comes into play if the plane gets too slow=2E The only way to actually = stall the airframe is to override that =27down pitch command=27=2E=3C/P=3E= =3CP=3ESo your ok flying in=26nbsp=3Bslow flight w/ that type of plane b= ut not in a IV=2C doesn=27t that speak to the need for more testing of t= he airframe to =27get comfortable=27=3F=26nbsp=3B I have no doubts in yo= ur skills=2C zero=2E You=26nbsp=3Bare as good a qualified pilot as we=27= re going to find for the =27hands on=2C non-straight/level=27 stuff yet = you don=27t want to explore the lower end of the envelope on the plane y= ou carry family members in=2E Granted the IV doesn=27t have a =27seat=27= but it could have a spin chute!=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B I understand that t= he F16=27s and 22=27s have had extensive test flying and their pilots ex= tensive training and this is why their pilots are ok w/ slow flight=2C t= his is exactly what the IV needs =5Band the 300 series also=5D to =27tam= e=27 them=2E=3C/P=3E =3CP=3EAlso it was mentioned about the F86 demonstration=2E=2E=2E=2E=26n= bsp=3B All I can say is =27exactly=27=2C he stayed inside the envelope=2C= he also knew where the envelope was=2C what the limitations w/ the airf= rame were and where he could push it and where he couldn=27t=2E=26nbsp=3B= He was also=26nbsp=3Bflying an airframe that was well tested and it=27s= deficency=27s known=2E He obviously was also a very skilled pilot=2E=26= nbsp=3B Would a person DARE try this in a Lancair=3F=26nbsp=3B I=27d hop= e not=2E That said=2C=26nbsp=3Bif you knew the airframe inside and out a= nd it=27s limitations and how it behaved =5Bwas tamed=3F=3F=5D=26nbsp=3B= in extreeme edges of the envelope then maybe a person skilled enough cou= ld do something similar =5Bno that=27s not an endorsement on my part to = try it in any form=5D=2E=3C/P=3E =3CP=3EBob Hoover showed a=26nbsp=3Bsimilar type of flying w/ his Shrike= Commander back in the day in a plane that was never intended to be flow= n thus=2E=26nbsp=3B The bottom line of all this =5Bas I see it=5D is the= =27amazing=27 flying that has been discussed always occurs in an airfra= me that is well tested and adjusted=2C by skilled pilots who are well tr= ained=2E If we were to apply those same criteria to the IV and 300=27s =5B= ok lets just say =27Lancairs=27=5D then there could/would be the same le= vel of confidence in those airframes also=2E =3C/P=3E =3CP=3EOk onto another endless topic=2E=2E=2E=26nbsp=3B FORD or Chevy=3F= =26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B =5Ba topic as likely to be solved as this =27To Sta= ll or Not to Stall=27=26nbsp=3Btopic =26nbsp=3B=3A) =5D=26nbsp=3B =5Bor = how about MAC or PC=3F=5D=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EJarrett Johnson=26nbsp=3B =5Bok= back to sitting on my hand again=2E=2E=5D=3CBR=3E235/320 55=25 and hold= ing=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3C/P=3E =3CP=3E=3C/P=3E =3CP=3E=3C/P=3E =3CP=3E=3C/P=3E=26gt=3B Pile on to the fighter comment=3A=26nbsp=3B=26nb= sp=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B I flew F16s for 18 years and now= fly the F-22=2E=26nbsp=3B Both of those =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B planes are eas= ier to land than my IV-P=2E=26nbsp=3B I have flown a lot of =3CBR=3E=26g= t=3B slow speed stuff in those planes=2C and I don=27t Intend to explore= =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B the stall characteristics of my plane=2C ever=2E=26nbs= p=3B If you are learning =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B to fly=2C then yes=2C do so in= a plane than can stall and was designed =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B for it=2E=26nb= sp=3B Do all of that=2C get 1000 hours=2C and THEN get a IV-P=2C and =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B quality training on how to fly it=2E=26nbsp=3B Personally = I get weary of the =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B repeated =22 You need to see how it = stalls if it ever happens=22 =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B attitude=2E=26nbsp=3B If y= ou stay ahead of the airplane and don=27t take it =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B where= it doesn=27t need to be=2C you will never be there=2E=26nbsp=3B It=27s = never =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B going to happen in this plane unless it=27s unint= entional=2C and =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B unless you are 10=2C000=27 up you are g= oing to hit the ground and it =3CBR=3E =26gt=3B isn=27t going to be pretty- period!=26nbsp=3B The IV-P was desi= gned to fly =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B fast and efficient over long distance=2E=26= nbsp=3B Not to do acrobatics=2C =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B stalls=2C anything else= =2E=26nbsp=3B It doesn=27t need to be fixed=2C it does =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B = exactly what it was intended=26nbsp=3B to do!=26nbsp=3B And pilots who w= anna fix the =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B IV-P or stall it should fly something else= ( in my opinion)=2E=26nbsp=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Bob R =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B On Jun = 24=2C 2011=2C at 10=3A02 PM=2C John Hafen =26lt=3Bj=2Ehafen=40comcast=2E= net=26gt=3B wrote=3A =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B One has = to choose between stall strips and a heated leading edge=2E =3CBR=3E=26g= t=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B For me personally=2C stall strip= s would be more applicable for my =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Cub=2C which doesn=27= t need them at all=2E=26nbsp=3B And I have been in =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B inad= vertent icing conditions in the IVP and watched the ice curl =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B up like potato chips and blow away=2E=26nbsp=3B I=27ll keep the he= ated leading =3CBR=3E =26gt=3B edge=2C thank you=2C rather than a stall strip that I would nev= er use=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B And as far= as a larger tail=3F=3F=3F =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B= A=2E=26nbsp=3B Who is going to spend the additional money to make their= =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B IVP look stupid=3F =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B=26nbsp=3B= =26nbsp=3B B=2E=26nbsp=3B The IVP is tail heavy already -- no one wants = to load =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B extra weight aft of the CG=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B = =26gt=3B=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B C=2E=26nbsp=3B Challenged pilots should per= haps fly a different plane=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B= =26gt=3B I love the IVP the way it is=2E=26nbsp=3B I have never crashed= and died=2E=26nbsp=3B I =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B understand the envelope=2C and= like it=3B) =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B John =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B (On military pilots and= =22training=22 to fly unstable air craft -- =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B I don=27t = think you are accurate on this one=2E=26nbsp=3B The F-16 is so =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B unstable that it requires 20+ inputs per second to maintain =3CBR=3E= =26gt=3B straight and level flight=2E=26nbsp=3B It is computerized=2E=26= nbsp=3B No human being on =3CBR=3E =26gt=3B earth=2C no matter how highly trained=2C can manually fly an F-= 16 =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B straight and level=2E=26nbsp=3B The =22fly by wire=22= F-16 is way easier to fly =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B than my IVP=2E=26nbsp=3B The= original side stick didn=27t move at all=2C but =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B respon= ded to pressure=2E=26nbsp=3B Pilots hated it so it was redesigned to =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B move slightly=2E=26nbsp=3B And the pilots wishes to go a c= omputer that =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B controls the flight surfaces=2E=26nbsp=3B = There is no direct manual =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B connection from the stick to = the flight control surfaces=2E=26nbsp=3B Even in =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B the ol= d F4=2C the flight control =22feel=22 was artificial -- based on =3CBR=3E= =26gt=3B springs=2C as the hydraulic system supplied 3=2C000 psi to the = flight =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B control surfaces=2C which came in really handy o= ver about mach 1=2E1=2E=26nbsp=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B You don=27t need a mi= llion dollars worth of training to fly a IVP =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B safely=2E=26= nbsp=3B HPAT=2C yes=2E) =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt= =3B On Jun 24=2C 2011=2C at 11=3A24 AM=2C Wolfgang wrote=3A =3CBR=3E=26g= t=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E =26gt=3B =26gt=3B Military aircraft are unstable to allow better agility= =2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Military pilots get over a million dollars= worth of training =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B each to be able to handle their =22u= nstable=22 aircraft=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B=26nbsp=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt= =3B =26gt=3B I don=27t see that happening for IVP drivers=2E =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B =26gt=3B=26nbsp=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B There are a couple of= things that can be done that don=27t =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B adversely affect = performance or handling=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Stall strips and la= rger tail feathers come to mind=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B=26nbsp=3B =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Wolfgang =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B=26nbsp=3B =3CB= R=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B From=3A John Hafen =26lt=3Bj=2Ehafen=40comcast=2En= et=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Sender=3A =26lt=3Bmarv=40lancaironl= ine=2Enet=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Subject=3A Airplane needs to= be =22fixed=2C=22 Stall Speeds=2C Wing Cuffs=2C =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Vortex= Generators for L=2E=2E=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Date=3A Fri=2C 24 J= un 2011 06=3A05=3A59 -0400 =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B To=3A lml=40lancair= online=2Enet =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Wolfgang states=3A=26nbsp=3B =22I= f the airframe can=27t get back in the =3CBR=3E =26gt=3B envelope=2C then the airframe needs to be fixed=2E=22 =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B There are lots of historical ex= amples to the contrary=2C like the =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B F4 Phantom=2E=26nbsp= =3B Once in a flat spin=2C the plane was unrecoverable from =3CBR=3E=26g= t=3B any altitude=2E=26nbsp=3B =22Stick Forward=2C Ailerons and Rudder N= eutral=2C If not =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Recovered=2C Maintain Full Forward Sti= ck and Deploy Drag Shoot=22 were =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B not enough=2E=26nbsp=3B= =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Yet the F4 was the = work horse fighter for the Navy=2C Air Force=2C =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Marines= =2C and hosts of allies for decades=2E=26nbsp=3B And it was fast=2C over= =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Mach II=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B = =26gt=3B Yet=2C you stayed far far away from =22departing=22 -- high ang= le of =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B attack=2C stick one way and the rudder the other=2E= =2E=2E=2E=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Most ad= vanced stalls in IVP are recoverable=2C given 10=2C000 feet =3CBR=3E=26g= t=3B or so=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B But un= like the F4=2C most of our IVPs are not equipped with Martin- =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B Baker ejection seats=2E =3CBR=3E =26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B The F4 never got fixed=2E=26= nbsp=3B The IVP got =22fixed=2E=22=26nbsp=3B It=27s called the =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B =22ES=2C=22 with larger differently shaped wings and fixed gear=2C= that =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B became the Columbia/Cessna=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26= gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B The =22fix=22 was a series of tradeoffs = that IMHO made it a less =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B desirable plane -- slower=2C f= ixed gear=2C non-pressurized=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B= =26gt=3B I=27ll happily keep the un-fixed version of the IVP myself=2C = thank =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B you=2E=26nbsp=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E= =26gt=3B =26gt=3B John Hafen =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B = =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B =26gt=3B On Jun 23=2C 2011=2C at 9=3A11 AM=2C Wolfgang wrote=3A =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B I=2C for one=2C want to= be able to recover from an =22adverse=22 =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B condition sho= uld I ever find myself in one=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Knowing where= the edges of the envelope are and how to get beck =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B in t= he envelope should be required=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B If the airfr= ame can=27t get back in the envelope=2C then the =3CBR=3E =26gt=3B airframe needs to be fixed=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B=26nbsp=3B= =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Wolfgang =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B ----- Orig= inal Message ----- =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B From=3A Karen Farnsworth =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B To=3A lml=40lancaironline=2Enet =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B = =26gt=3B Sent=3A Wednesday=2C June 22=2C 2011 2=3A12 PM =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B= =26gt=3B Subject=3A RE=3A =5BLML=5D Re=3A Stall Speeds=2C Wing Cuffs=2C= Vortex =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Generators for L=2E=2E=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26g= t=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B David=2C =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E= =26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B I have no problem with anyon= e who wants to explore the =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =93envelope=94 of his/her ai= rplane=2E However=2C I take great exception to =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B you grou= nding me because I might choose to not get as near to the =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B= edge as you=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CB= R=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B Lynn Farnsworth =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E= =26gt=3B =26gt=3B Super Legacy =23235 =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E= =26gt=3B =26gt=3B TSIO-550 Powered =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B =26gt=3B Reno Race =2344 =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B= =26gt=3B Mmo =2E6 =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B I agree 100=25 also=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B = =3CBR=3E =26gt=3B =26gt=3B If you don=92t know what the incipient stall feels lik= e in the =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B stick and the airframe you should not be flyin= g the Legacy or =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B 320=92s=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3C= BR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B (Not knowing this is the single biggest killer of= Lancair pilots=2E) =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B = =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B David T=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26= gt=3B =26gt=3B Legacy =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B= =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3C/BODY=3E