Mailing List Message #58652
From: Bill Wade <>
Sender: <>
Subject: IV Aileron Pressure Box Part 2
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:46:36 -0400
To: <>
  Two pictures show aligning the box to locate the forward pivot/crosstube supports before bonding the boxes in place. It took a while to puzzle out the instructions- page 17-22 shows the forward torque tube tab upwards. It’s not that way on the ones I got. The thing I worried about was to make sure there was clearance from the NG well housing and that the crosstube would be high enough for leg room. The third picture shows how I went about that.
  I used Clark foam to fill the lower gap, then bonded the box with Hysol followed by 2 E-glass BID on each side. I gather the bottom needs to be free for movement during pressurization but I did use a couple of BID to make a collar through the aileron pushrod hole. My intent is to make sure the box couldn’t debond in that area and it’d remain sealed during pressurization. The hole needs to be opened out to allow for the extra material. Also attach the aileron pushrods to the lower bellcrank and check for clearance through the range of motion to get the hole sized.
When all was done I discovered the wing pushrods aren’t perpendicular to the aileron torque tube. The lower bellcrank and intermediate rod end had to be rotated and the shaft holes redrilled until the bellcrank aligned with the aileron rod end bearing. The forward hole ended up 0.20 inches closer to the flange face than the aft one. The phenolic covers mistakes. The holes ended up roughly 0.525 and 0.555 for the forward, 0.726 and 0.750 for the aft ones; measured from the face of the box flange.
  I realize this is more than you asked for and probably more than anyone else wanted to read but I hope it helps. -Bill Wade
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