Mailing List Message #58643
From: Gary Casey <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: Stall Speeds, Wing Cuffs, Vortex Generators for Lancair 4p
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 12:45:29 -0400
To: <>

I certainly agree with John's comments.  But the 65 knot quoted stall speed seems a bit low, unless the speed is for a lower-than-gross weight or is an indicated airspeed.  My only reason for the comment is to caution others against assuming the stall speed is really that low.  In my opinion exploring the stall characteristics is for a test pilot, but then I'm a real chicken pilot. :-).  If I had reason to be suspicious of the stall characteristics of a prospective IV acquisition, I'd hire a test pilot to do the evaluation.  But that's just me - others might be bolder.

Gary Casey


From John:

My IVP stalls clean at 76 kts clean, and 65 kts in landing configuration. But I never get that slow. Or even close. I fly downwind at 130, a very rounded base / transition to final at 120, and approach at 110 on final, slowing down to 100 over the fence.
A 4P is not your father's Olsmobile, or a Cessna. I's not a good plane to go slow and low for sight seeing. And 4P's are all different. Not all of them are square. You're smart to test it out before you buy to find a good one.
John Hafen
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