Asking if anyone has a solution to the problem of SmartMedia cards and the Chelton system.
It’s been a bit since this discussion. I am down to my last two SmartMedia cards that work. Buying used ones has been a failure, as all of them have been troubled: they work in the computer, but not the Chelton.
I have gotten the SmartMedia xD adapters and 32MD xD cards, but even those don’t work (brand new ones) in the Chelton (but they do work in the computer). I have reformated with FAT and FAT16 and FAT32, yet none of this has improved my situation. I’m sure I am not alone.
Is there a solve out there? I am familiar with Tim Olson’s suggestions on CheltonEFISpilots.com (Dec 2008), which echo your guidance (below).
Are we truely orphaned now without any options coming from the Chelton inheritors?
Jeff L