Hey I was able to fish a wire successfully down inside the actual cavity inside aileron there and go over each of the hinge points. And when I ran the wire of reaching his point I was also able to put a piece of heat shrink over the top of the wires in case it rubbed on the top of the hinge which I doubt it will.
But, your idea of actually running a conduit down there was pretty slick. I like that as well. But Copelin work with no issues.
As far as the GPS and filing. I pretty much file direct everywhere I can. For example from Michael J Smith to Sarasota I had three waypoints in the route.
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Hi George! I saw your ES group post regarding the aileron trim wiring. See below from my build log. I tried unsuccessfully to fish a wire through the aileron, and ended up bonding a small conduit onto the aileron itself. Works fine. Hope that helps. http://www.mykitlog.com/users/display_log.php?user=n144gp&project=471&category=3265&log=59147&row=129 Also, on your 430 flight planning question… try more direct legs. I flew home from FL to PA yesterday; 850nm with 5 waypoints. KVNC OCF SSI MRB HGR KCXY. Cleared as filed (as it always is). Got direct SSI before I reached OCF without asking. Got direct KCXY down in SC from FAY approach…right through DC ADIZ, knocking out MRB and HGR – also without asking. That part of the route is unusual, but these kind of legs are possible, even offered by ATC. Plenty of VORs on the east coast in case they are needed. Regards, Gordon ES N144GP Gordon H. Porter, Managing Partner Trusted Wealth Advisors, LLP 1501 E. Market St York, PA 17403 Registered Principal, Cambridge Investment Research 800-290-2632 717-757-4908 Fax 717-843-0108 GHP@TrustedWealthAdvisors.com Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc.. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Tax services are offered by Trusted Wealth Advisors LLP. Trusted Wealth Advisors and the Cambridge Investment Research companies are unaffiliated entities. Trading instructions sent via e-mail may not be honored. Please call our office, or Cambridge Investment Research trading desk at 800-756-8115, for all buy/sell orders. Please be advised that communications regarding trades in your account are for informational purposes only. You should continue to rely on confirmations and statements received from the custodian(s) of your assets. The text of this communication is confidential, and use by any person who is not the intended recipient is prohibited. Any person who receives this communication in error is requested to immediately destroy the text of this communication without copying or further dissemination. Your cooperation is appreciated. Wow. I had no idea it was that much. But not surprised.
Sent from my iPhone That sounds great but for $2k I think I can learn to love twisting knobs. Danny LNC2-360 Mk-II AOPA 04856278 EAA 647062 NRA 156453324 Nothing is foolproof to the sufficiently talented fool. I find loading my flight plans into the GNS 430W to be tedious at best and taking WAY too much time. Is there a better way? I’ve read there’s a way to do my flight planning on my computer and then transfer it to the aviation database card with a USB connector of some sort (but not the same one used to update the database). When I talk to my local Garmin dealer, their response is along the lines of, “Huh, we haven’t heard of that.” So, they called Garmin Support and got me a non-existent part number for an “Aviation Data Card Programmer Kit” to the tune of $449. Does anybody have info on how this is done, or even IF it can be done? Danny LNC2-360 Mk-II AOPA 04856278 EAA 647062 NRA 156453324 Nothing is foolproof to the sufficiently talented fool.