X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Sender: To: lml@lancaironline.net Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:29:20 -0400 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from col0-omc3-s13.col0.hotmail.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.0.8) with ESMTP id 6768946 for lml@lancaironline.net; Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:15:40 -0400 Received-SPF: pass receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=peterpawaviation@hotmail.com Received: from COL129-W70 ([]) by col0-omc3-s13.col0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:15:07 -0700 X-TMN: [07Nbu7NKrAuuqHLG3a7NMPyo5rkQc4Vh] X-Originating-Email: [peterpawaviation@hotmail.com] X-Original-Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: peterpawaviation@hotmail.com Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_ff2e3f8f-dc9c-4177-a2e7-337d0705bbed_" From: PETER WILLIAMS X-Original-To: Lancair Mailing List Subject: MORE: IV-P Landing Gear X-Original-Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:15:07 -0400 Importance: Normal In-Reply-To: References: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 10 Mar 2014 21:15:07.0795 (UTC) FILETIME=[D03CCE30:01CF3CA5] --_ff2e3f8f-dc9c-4177-a2e7-337d0705bbed_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable HI THERE WHAT TO DO 1. stay focused=20 objective is to get the people to the ground safely forget the airframe=3B forget the prop..stay focused 2. land as soon as it is clear that the problem cannot be solved 3. if near an airport. get directly above it if it is JFK=2C LAX=2C Hartfield...SO WHAT let them shut down the ai= rport for you 4. Declare your situation 5. if you land with the wings level=2C you walk away recently i landed without the left main wheel...no choice as i was circling just north of the airport=2C my thoughts A keep flying THE PLANE THAT IS JOB NUMBER ONE B. do what you can C.dont let other issues complicate the problem (with that i switched to the fullest tank) D. Shoot the best approach and landing of your life E. get to the ground as soon as possible MY RESULTS 1. damaged but repairable wing tip 2. destroyed pitot 3. one small crack in left aileron=20 repaired the damage and installed a new actuator and flew away NO PROP HIT first thing i did after was replaced the nose gear strut to be on the safe = side the $60.00 part that could cost $20=2C000 (new prop and engine tear down= ) that strut puts the nose gear down> PERIOD note: i published=2Chere=2C a link of a Cessna 210 landing with just the nose gea= r (a beautiful thing) peter Date: Mon=2C 10 Mar 2014 08:41:27 -0700 From: billhogarty@gmail.com To: lml@lancaironline.net Subject: [LML] Re: IV-P Landing Gear Bob: Nice article on the IV landing gear operation.=20 I would like to stress the importance of the monthly inflight check of th= e system and the necessity of replacing the nose gear gas actuator during e= ach annual. (don't rely on a ground retraction test)=0A= If you have an electrical failure=2C the gear will drop as you point out BU= T if the nose gear gas actuator is not fully pressurized (100 psi)=2C the n= ose gear will appear down but there is a strong possibility that the linka= ge does not go overcenter and lock. Without electrical power=2C you will n= ot have your gear indicator lights to warn you. (don't ask how I know)=0A= Keep up the good work. Best regards=2C Bill Hogarty On Mon=2C Mar 10=2C 2014 at 6:48 AM=2C Robert R Pastusek wrote: =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= Gentlemen=2C=0A= Without reflecting on the cause of the most recent IV-P loss=2C I was asked= to review the operating principles of the Lancair IV=0A= landing gear system for those of you that did not build your airplane. Hop= efully this knowledge will help you if you should have difficulty with the = landing gear--which=2C by the way=2C has a different operating principle fr= om the Legacy and 3-series aircraft.=0A= =0A= The landing gear in the IV-P is hydraulically operated by an electric power= pack (a pump/reservoir assembly commonly used to control=0A= boat lift/tilt out-drives). Hydraulic fluid is circulated from the pump to= a gear/flap control on the center vertical instrument console in the cabin= . The gear handle is actually a hydraulic valve that switches fluid flow be= tween the =93up=94 and =93down=94 sides=0A= of hydraulic actuators that are attached to the two mains and the nose gea= r. =0A= =0A= With the landing gear handle in the UP position and the hydraulic system pr= essurized=2C all three gear are retracted and held up=0A= by the pressure. There are no up-latches. If you lose hydraulic pressure i= n the system for any reason=2C the mains will =93free-fall=94 to a partiall= y-extended =93trailing=94 position but will not fully extend because they m= ust move forward (against an air load) to=0A= do so. NO AMOUNT of maneuvering=2C touch and go=2C or flying around will f= ully extend the mains=2C and they WILL fold back into the gear bays at touc= hdown if partially extended. No exceptions. The only way to fully extend th= e gear is to apply hydraulic pressure=0A= to them=2C either by restoring the electrical pump to normal operation=2C = or by use of the hand pump between the front seats to manually pump fluid i= nto the main gear actuators. There are several things that need to work cor= rectly for this to happen=2C so emergency=0A= gear extension--both on jacks and in-flight-- should be one of your requir= ed condition inspection items.=0A= The nose gear is equipped with an air spring that causes it to extend fully= if hydraulic pressure is lost. Once extended=2C it can=0A= only be retracted by restoring normal hydraulic pressure with the gear han= dle in the up position. The emergency pump applies pressure only to the dow= n side of the main actuators=3B it does not supply fluid to the nose gear a= ctuator in any circumstance. So to=0A= repeat=2C with a loss of hydraulic pressure=2C you=92ll get an =93automati= c=94 nose gear fully extended=2C and =93trailing=94 mains. The hand pump sh= ould be able to fully extend the mains=2C allowing them to lock down automa= tically=2C but if it doesn=92t=2C the mains WILL retract=0A= on landing. There are no known alternatives or exceptions. By the way=2C i= f you can get the mains fully extended (green down lights)=2C the actuators= have built-in locks that should hold them fully extended=2C even if hydrau= lic pressure to the actuators is subsequently=0A= lost. Even so=2C if one or both of the main gear indicator lights should g= o out=2C consider a final tug on the emergency pump just before landing. If= it can be pumped=2C do so=3B if it doesn=92t move=2C you should still have= fully extended mains.=0A= =0A= For me=2C any un-commanded extension of the landing gear would be time to p= ut the airplane on the ground and sort out the electrical=0A= and/or hydraulic problem--for several reasons. As an example=2C a hydrauli= c leak can dump all the fluid overboard quickly=2C and allow the pump to ru= n continuously. In time=2C it will destroy itself=2C and has been known to = catch fire--it=92s not designed for continuous=0A= operation.=0A= One other thought. Flying by the tower=2C or even having another airplane l= ook you over for extended gear is probably a waste of=0A= time=2C and may give you a false sense of security. =0A= Unless the observer is familiar with the IV landing gear system=2C he/she i= s unlikely to identify the difference between mains that are fully extended= forward and those in the trail position. They will note that the nose gear= looks good (it should be)=2C=0A= conclude that the mains are also =93extended=2C=94 and report that.=0A= Lastly=2C the gear handle has an electro/mechanical =93lock=94 built into i= t that SHOULD prevent it being moved out of the down position=0A= when the airspeed is below about 90 Kts (this is adjustable=2C so it could= be more or less). If you move the handle to UP when the airplane is on the= ground and the hydraulic system is pressurized=2C the weight of the aircra= ft SHOULD=0A= prevent the mains from retracting=2C but the nose gear will definitely ret= ract=2C dumping the nose and prop on the ground. Your checklist does requir= e you to check that the gear lever is in the down position before applying = power to the aircraft=2C doesn=92t it?=0A= =0A= Landing gear malfunctions are serious=2C and can result in major damage to = your airplane even in the best of circumstances. They=0A= should not=2C however=2C kill or injure you or your passengers if you appl= y your training and keep your cool.=0A= Lancairs fly well in any known landing gear configuration. So task #1 is al= ways to fly the airplane to the scene of the crash=85always.=0A= =0A= I=92d be pleased to talk to any of you either on- or off-line about this. J= ust drop me a note.=0A= =0A= Bob Pastusek =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= = --_ff2e3f8f-dc9c-4177-a2e7-337d0705bbed_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


1. stay focused
 =3B =3B =3B =3B objective i= s to get the people to the ground safely
 =3B =3B = =3B =3B forget the airframe=3B forget the prop..stay focused
2. land as soon as it is clear that the problem cannot be solved
3. if near an airport. get directly above it
 =3B = =3B =3B =3B =3B if it is JFK=2C LAX=2C Hartfield...SO WHAT let =3B them shut down the airport for you
4. Declare = your situation
5. if you land with the wings level=2C you walk = away

as i was circling just north of the ai= rport=2C my thoughts
 =3B =3B =3B A keep flying THE PLANE =3B THAT IS JOB NU= MBER ONE =3B=  =3B =3B =3B B. do what you can
 =3B =3B =3B C.dont let other issues= complicate =3B the problem
 =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B (wi= th that i switched to the fullest tank)
 =3B =3B D. Shoot the best approach and land= ing of your life
=  =3B =3B E. get to the ground as soon as possible


 =3B =3B =3B =3B 1. damaged but rep= airable wing tip
=  =3B =3B =3B =3B 2. destroyed pitot
 =3B =3B =3B =3B 3. one= small crack in left aileron

repaired the damage and installed a new actuator and flew away


first thing i did after was replaced th= e nose gear strut to be on the safe side
 =3B =3B the $60.00 part that could cost $2= 0=2C000 (new prop and engine tear down)
 =3B that strut puts the nos= e gear down>=3B =3B PERIOD
i published=2Chere=2C a link of a Cessna 210 landing with ju= st the nose gear
=  =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B (a beautiful thing)=


Date: Mon=2C 10 Mar 2014 08:41:27 -0700
From: billhoga= rty@gmail.com
To: lml@lancaironline.net
Subject: [LML] Re: IV-P Landi= ng Gear


Nice art= icle on the IV landing gear operation. =3B

&nb= sp=3BI would like to stress =3B the importance of the monthly inflight = check of the system and the necessity of =3Breplacing the nose gear gas= actuator during each annual. =3B (don't rely on a ground retraction te= st)

If you have an electrical failure=2C the gear will drop= as you point out BUT if the nose gear gas actuator is not fully pressurize= d (100 psi)=2C the nose gear will appear down but there is a strong  = =3Bpossibility that the linkage does not go overcenter and lock. =3B Wi= thout electrical power=2C you will not have your gear indicator lights to w= arn you. =3B (don't ask how I know)

Keep up the good work.

Best re= gards=2C Bill Hogarty

On Mon=2C Mar 10=2C 2014 at 6:48 AM=2C Robert R P= astusek <=3Brpastusek@htii.com>=3B wrote:
=0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A=



Without reflecting on the cause of the most recent IV-P loss= =2C I was asked to review the operating principles of the Lancair IV=0A= landing gear system for those of you that did not build your airplane. Hop= efully this knowledge will help you if you should have difficulty with the = landing gear--which=2C by the way=2C has a different operating principle fr= om the Legacy and 3-series aircraft.

=0A= =0A=

The landing gear in the IV-P is hydraulically operated by an= electric power pack (a pump/reservoir assembly commonly used to control=0A= boat lift/tilt out-drives). Hydraulic fluid is circulated from the pump to= a gear/flap control on the center vertical instrument console in the cabin= . The gear handle is actually a hydraulic valve that switches fluid flow be= tween the =93up=94 and =93down=94 sides=0A= of hydraulic actuators that are attached to the two mains and the nose gea= r. =0A=


With the landing gear handle in the UP position and the hydr= aulic system pressurized=2C all three gear are retracted and held up=0A= by the pressure. There are no up-latches. If you lose hydraulic pressure i= n the system for any reason=2C the mains will =93free-fall=94 to a partiall= y-extended =93trailing=94 position but will not fully extend because they m= ust move forward (against an air load) to=0A= do so. NO AMOUNT of maneuvering=2C touch and go=2C or flying around will f= ully extend the mains=2C and they WILL fold back into the gear bays at touc= hdown if partially extended. No exceptions. The only way to fully extend th= e gear is to apply hydraulic pressure=0A= to them=2C either by restoring the electrical pump to normal operation=2C = or by use of the hand pump between the front seats to manually pump fluid i= nto the main gear actuators. There are several things that need to work cor= rectly for this to happen=2C so emergency=0A= gear extension--both on jacks and in-flight-- should be one of your requir= ed condition inspection items.


The nose gear is equipped with an air spring that causes it = to extend fully if hydraulic pressure is lost. Once extended=2C it can=0A= only be retracted by restoring normal hydraulic pressure with the gear han= dle in the up position. The emergency pump applies pressure only to the dow= n side of the main actuators=3B it does not supply fluid to the nose gear a= ctuator in any circumstance. So to=0A= repeat=2C with a loss of hydraulic pressure=2C you=92ll get an =93automati= c=94 nose gear fully extended=2C and =93trailing=94 mains. The hand pump sh= ould be able to fully extend the mains=2C allowing them to lock down automa= tically=2C but if it doesn=92t=2C the mains WILL retract=0A= on landing. There are no known alternatives or exceptions. By the way=2C i= f you can get the mains fully extended (green down lights)=2C the actuators= have built-in locks that should hold them fully extended=2C even if hydrau= lic pressure to the actuators is subsequently=0A= lost. Even so=2C if one or both of the main gear indicator lights should g= o out=2C consider a final tug on the emergency pump just before landing. If= it can be pumped=2C do so=3B if it doesn=92t move=2C you should still have= fully extended mains.=0A=


For me=2C any un-commanded extension of the landing gear wou= ld be time to put the airplane on the ground and sort out the electrical=0A= and/or hydraulic problem--for several reasons. As an example=2C a hydrauli= c leak can dump all the fluid overboard quickly=2C and allow the pump to ru= n continuously. In time=2C it will destroy itself=2C and has been known to = catch fire--it=92s not designed for continuous=0A= operation.


One other thought. Flying by the tower=2C or even having ano= ther airplane look you over for extended gear is probably a waste of=0A= time=2C and may give you a false sense of security. =3B=0A= Unless the observer is familiar with the IV landing gear system=2C h= e/she is unlikely to identify the difference between mains that are fully e= xtended forward and those in the trail position. They will note that the no= se gear looks good (it should be)=2C=0A= conclude that the mains are also =93extended=2C=94 and report that.=


Lastly=2C the gear handle has an electro/mechanical =93lock= =94 built into it that SHOULD prevent it being moved out of the down positi= on=0A= when the airspeed is below about 90 Kts (this is adjustable= =2C so it could be more or less). If you move the handle to UP when the air= plane is on the ground and the hydraulic system is pressurized=2C the weigh= t of the aircraft SHOULD=0A= prevent the mains from retracting=2C but the nose gear will definitely ret= ract=2C dumping the nose and prop on the ground. Your checklist does requir= e you to check that the gear lever is in the down position before applying = power to the aircraft=2C doesn=92t it?

=0A= =0A=

Landing gear malfunctions are serious=2C and can result in m= ajor damage to your airplane even in the best of circumstances. They=0A= should not=2C however=2C kill or injure you or your passengers if you appl= y your training and keep your cool.=0A= Lancairs fly well in any known landing gear configuration. So = task #1 is always to fly the airplane to the scene of the crash=85always.= =0A=


I=92d be pleased to talk to any of you either on- or off-lin= e about this. Just drop me a note.

=0A= =0A=

Bob Pastusek
=0A= <= /span>

=0A= =0A=

= --_ff2e3f8f-dc9c-4177-a2e7-337d0705bbed_--