Over the years I have made it a practice to turn base with half flap and 100 kts. or so, then turning final at roughly 90 to 95 kts. When I have the runway made down comes full flap, ease the power and start the flair so that at 1/8 inch off the runway the airplane stops flying and squeeks on. My stall speed with gear and half flap is in the low 60's but I don't like to get near that speed. I suppose it is my old Navy habits but I keep it close in on the downwind and base. There is no sense to being wide abeam and strung out on a long final.
On take off I keep the nose down and cleaned up I'm near 135 to 140 kts by the end of the runway (5000"), the up and off I go.
George Shattuck
LNC2, 1500+ hrs. small tail, 1989 kit