Check out the advice from several on the special socket tool you’ll need. They are on sale for about $50 to over $90. I turned down a ¼” drive 7/16” socket at the socket end today and got five of the injectors changed. #3 is a bitch because it is directly under the intake stack. #2 was difficult also and if I had cut a 45 degree bevel at the drive end of the socket, it would be better.
I am going to shorten a socket up tonight and weld a nut on top to get out that last injector.
Best regards,
BTW, I have 1 GPH flow difference at peak so my results should be a little more dramatic than yours.
From: Lancair Mailing List [mailto:lml@lancaironline.net] On Behalf Of Jay Phillips
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 9:29 AM
To: lml@lancaironline.net
Subject: [LML] Re: GAMIjector installation on TSIO 550
I also just purchased Gamijectors for my IV-P/TSIO-550. I collected detailed info prior to the purchase. And they will be installed in the next week or so. I’ll collect post-installation data and submit my results.
Pre-installation, my GAMI lean test showed 0.7 gph difference between first and last to lean. Not terrible, but it should be below 0.5 according to GAMI. Operating lean of peak I saw 65-70 dF difference between the hottest and coldest CHTs. I’d like that to be a lot closer.
Jay Phillips
From: Lancair Mailing List [mailto:lml@lancaironline.net] On Behalf Of William A. Hogarty
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 8:46 AM
To: Lancair Mailing List
Subject: [LML] Re: GAMIjector installation on TSIO 550
Please post results after you replace your injectors.
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:38 AM, Ron Laughlin <ronlaughlin@gmail.com> wrote:
Order this socket that is custom made for the task:
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 6:40 AM, John Barrett <jbarrett@carbinge.com> wrote:
Hello All,
I recently acquired a set of GAMIjectors for my TSIO 550 in N31VP. I am trying to install them and it appears I’m going to have to remove the intake stacks to be able to access the injectors.
Is this correct or is there a trick or tool I don’t know about? If I do have to remove the intake pipes, do I need to replace the gaskets for the pipes when they go back in? What is the torque for the three hold down nuts on the intake pipes?
Thanks in advance.
John Barrett, CEO
Leading Edge Composites
PO Box 428
Port Hadlock, WA 98339