Mailing List Message #65743
From: steve <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Re: Fuel flow
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 16:44:16 -0400
To: <>
The VM1000 sensors all use shielded wires as Grayhawk mentions and are all rock solid.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sky2high <>
To: lml <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 5, 2013 2:25 pm
Subject: [LML] Re: Fuel flow

The wires from the sensor should be shielded (ground connected at one end of shield).
In a message dated 6/5/2013 2:14:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time, N4ZQ@VERIZON.NET writes:
The 550 mile flight this morning from KBVY-KRKD-KEPM-KBVY was crystal clear VFR with 195kts TAS, 5500ft, 24"MP, 2400RPM, 8.2GPH, 25ÂșLOP
and 22.5MPG...not too shabby for this little pip-sqweak of a plane.

The good news is that my continuing issue with erratic MVP-50 fuel flow readings
has now been identified but the solution will be a real pain to fix. Turning off the ALT instantly caused FF readings to become rock solid! Go figure.
I'll have to remove the cowl in order to refresh my aging memory on how the ALT output lead is plumbed but at some point it must be too close to the FF cable. After the fact it sounds like common sense but don't run any sensor wires aft from the engine compartment in the same wire bundle which includes the ALT lead. Short of relocating wires, do we have an electrical wizard here with a more elegant solution? I suppose that any time I want to see accurate fuel data, I could simply shut off the ALT for a few seconds. :-)

Angier Ames
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