Mailing List Message #65731
Sender: <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 16:44:15 -0400
To: <>
Accident rates were discussed in the LOBO Apr 2013 issue.

the author assumed that the fleet average for Lancairs is 100 hours a year.
when i look at airplanes  for sale i see one airplane that exceeds 100 hours a year and the rest averaged together
come out to about 30 hours a year. the author assumed that the whole fleet of Lancairs was flying; none were out of license nor down for repairs.

i believe it would be more accurate to suggest that the fleet average was 33 hours per year. if that is the case the accidents per 100,000 hours would have to be tripled to

15 fatal accidents per 100,000

the General Aviation rate seems to be 1 fatal accident per 100,000; but lets assume that the same low utility applies to
general aviation, then their rate becomes

3 fatal accidents per 100,000

so we, Lancair Pilots, are five times more likely to kill ourselves or others that the Cessna 172 or Bonanza pilots.


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