Here is my first attempt at uploading data from my MVP-50 to the Savvy Analysis website for a flight on May 4th.
The top chart plots FF, EGT, CHT and oil temp.
Actually, any data supplied by the MVP can be plotted. The FF is of most interest to me at the moment since I'm not yet comfortable with what I'm seeing. Eventually the FF reading seems to settle down so perhaps I can live with it.
The next chart plots FF, Volts, HP and gear up hydraulic pressure.
Notice how the FF goes nuts on full power takeoff and as the gear come up and there is a corresponding spike
at the 1hr mark as the gear come down.
It seems at this point that the FF takes about 5min to settle down.
This form of data presentation is certainly a lot more useful to me than trying to make sense of raw spreadsheet
Angier Ames