I had my pipes coated over 1,200 hrs ago. It was done by a shop Michigan that builds race car engines. They said that they had 2 types of coating one looked better and one worked with higher temperatures but didn't look as good. They put the good looking one on on top of the higher temp coating. The good looking coating went away in the 1st 10 hours. The pipes still stay cool and can be touched immediately after shutting down the engine. The coating is a great way to keep the pipes cool.
There are 2 problems.
1) I am told that the pipes can't be welded after the coating. I have had welding done on the pipes without a problem. (see attached picture)
2) The shop coated the area used to pick up heat for the cabin and carb. I can only raise my carb temp by 9°F. My cabin heater only raises the cabin temp by about 20°F. I don't know how much heat I picked up before the coating but I believe it was more. I have stuffed the heat box with stainless steel Brillo pads in order to pick up as much heat as possible.
From: Joseph Neustein <jneusteinmd@gmail.com> Date: January 10, 2012 12:55:17 PM EST
Any thoughts on the benefits or drawbacks to ceramic exhaust coatings
Joseph Neustein, MD ES-P N36YZ 140hrs TSIO 550E
-- Lorn H. 'Feathers' Olsen, MAA, ASMEL, ASES, Comm, Inst DynaComm, Corp., 248-345-0500, mailto:lorn@dynacomm.usLNC2, FB90/92, O-320-D1F, 1,800 hrs, N31161, Y47, SE Michigan