Mailing List Message #58621
From: genemartin <>
Sender: <>
Subject: cruise speed
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 20:24:04 -0400
To: <>
I looked for a definition in the FARs and could find none so I called FSDO in They could not find a def. either so I asked how they issued a cert. for N# size and said don't know write a letter to FAA legal in I believe it was DC. for legal def.  When I had my 320 inspected in 2000 by FAA he questioned my 3 in.# and I told him my cruise was 179kt or less depending on endurance necessary. He asked what my max speed was, I said don't know tell done testing but probably about 190kt TAS. He issued my cert but said he would have to check on the #s. He called a few days later and said approved for 3in.# but no explanation.
Gene Martin
LNC2/320  N522RG
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