Hello guys.
I like to introduce myself, I am 50, European/American, former Cirrus
SR22 (1100 hours) and Velocity TXL5 (250 hours, just sold this plane)
(total 1400 hours).
I am a future Lancair 4p owner (looking to buy one these weeks, so if
you know someone who wants to sell his let me know) and looked at a few
Lancair 4p
Now about the winglets (my first question);
Some planes I looked at had their winglets, some not. All those that did not had one told me it doesn't do anything, the ones they had did told me it works great,
more stability etc, even the CAFE report is telling that it produces
more stability at higher altitude.
But…even the big Charlie Kohler told me it doesn't add anything but more
drag...thus less speed.
I have no experience whatsoever with the Winglets. So my question to you
guys is, do you have any experience telling you that it does work? (this
is more for pilots who had both so they can tell the difference)
Thanks -- Ronald Stevens