Dear subscribers,
After 3 years of work N40941 flew again.
Charlie Kohler helped me with the inspection and he also did the first
flight. It was an overall great experience with him and we will also do
more training together .
The plenum idea and the engine sealing instructions from Fred Moreno
work very well. The engine runs very cool.
There is one problem that I cannot fix:
When I rewired the airplane I decided to keep the VM1000 from
Microvisionsystems (I wanted to save money - big mistake!) Most of my
sensors and wires are new now. My Amp sensor dies repeatedly after a few
hours of operation.
It turns out that processor unit puts out too much voltage to the sensor
and kills it. Microvisionsystems (JPI) cannot fix the unit and cannot
sell me another one (dead product).
I am a little reluctant to put a complete new monitoring system in
because it would require to rewire everything (obviously the new systems
don't use the j-type thermocouple wire anymore).
My question: do you know anybody that upgraded to a new engine
monitoring system and would sell me the old VM1000 processor unit?
Thanks for your help