In the context of a Federal Government that is intent on seeping into every aspect of our lives, I have always been amazed at the lack of intrusion into Experimental Aircraft. The idea that you can build an airplane, demonstrate that it flies and then go have fun seems so out of character from what we have come to accept as a national government.
That said, it seems inevitable that the National Nanny will seek to save us from our own "foolishness" by imposing rules and regulations that guarantee safety (yes I know that statement is an oxymoron). We rarely mention this looming threat, and when we do we speak in whispered tones while watching our feet scuff the dirt, but the Regulations of Damocles hang over our collective heads suspended by a vanishingly thin thread of reason. Then, there is the potential assault on the finance front. User fees, fuel taxes, property taxes, income taxes and inheritance taxes are all arrows in the socialist's redistribution quiver.
I am an engineer and inventor. I make my living by seeing into the future and doing what was previously undoable. About two years ago, shortly after Stu Seffron's (a staunch Libertarian) tragic death, I performed an engineer's analysis of our political situation. My conclusions were depressing. The political elites of both parties have shaped the battlefield and defined the rules of engagement to the extent that the choices offered to "We the People" are limited to "Bad" and "Really Bad".
When Caligula was faced with enormous Roman debt, he commanded wealthy citizens to make Rome the beneficiary in their Wills and then "suggested" they kill themselves. One cannot help but compare this with the Estate "Death" Tax and "End of Life Counseling" of the new Health Care legislation. The politicians will decide if you are worth an expensive treatment or, if it is denied and you die, they get half your estate. Hmmm, tough decision.
Face it fellow fliers, we are low hanging fruit when it comes time to harvest from the select Peter for the benefit of the collective Paul.
The fundamental problem is that even if we elect Representatives that share our views, once they are in office they are surrounded by lobbyists, PACs, Special Interest Groups and others offering rewards for favors or support. There is no seat at this table for the Voters who elected the Representative. The Representative is cut off from Voter feedback and is blown off course to the Dark Side.
It is easy for a single person to make their views known to the many. I am doing this now. What is far more difficult is for the consensus of the many to be known by the one. If this were possible, then true Representative Government could be a reality.
Like any self respecting primate, when faced with a task beyond my ability, I built a tool. That tool is called VoxVerus and it allows the views of "We the People", the Voters, to be known by our Representative. I conceived, developed and deployed VoxVerus and am now making it available to everyone for free. Go to www.voxverus.com to find out more.
I believe that the elements that predispose people to build and fly airplanes are the same elements exhibited by people inclined to pick up a new tool and wield it to help preserve the Republic. We may just be smooth apes but we are smart, independent, self sufficient, tool savvy and outside the box apes.
VoxVerus can be used long term to help guide our representatives regarding the issues, including aviation issues. For discussions to those ends, this is a good forum. If you want to talk about VoxVerus in general, email me directly and save this list for its intended purpose.
Brent Regan
IV-P 1,003 TT