Doing an aileron roll in a Legacy is almost extacy maybe approaching my second most fun thing to do. My technique is to gently accelerate to 200 indicated, then raise the nose about 20 degrees above the horizon, neutalize the elevator at that point and (with the ball in the middle) give full aileron deflection either to right or left.. This is a 1G maneuver and one should be able to put a glass of water on the glareshield and preformed this maneuver with out spilling. If the nose of the airplane is not raised, it necessitates coordinated support by forward elevator as well as rudder imput to control direction of the spinner. It ends up being a +2 to -2G maneuver. This is ok if you don't mind spilling fluids( like brake and hydralic oil) and sometimes the contents of your passengers stomach. This is not an aileron roll. This is a slow roll though it can be done at any degree of aileron deflection (this determines rotational speed). If you attempt this one, be sure to secure EVERTHING in the airplane as it will be thrown around and maybe through the canopy. Another exhilarating roll is a barrel roll and is easy to preform in the Legacy. It involves a coordinated motion with the controls to scribe a giant circle in the sky using the spinner as your pencil. It's mostly elevators and ailerons but needs a little help from the rudders(left if going left and right if your going right.) I personally like to keep everything positive in the Legacy but then again I have a Pitts S1T to play in as well. O, I must add one more thing. Watch your airspeed and enjoy.