Mailing List Message #53532
From: Susan Harrelson <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Bahamas Bound or Flying in & out of U.S.
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 08:17:46 -0500
To: <lml>

Remember to register with the CBP (Customs & Border Protection) for their
APIS program.  The best thing to do is send your passenger manifest information
electronically outbound as well as inbound before you even leave the U.S.
You can amend it later by phone if you don't have internet access.  It's hard to
believe, but aircraft now need permission to leave the U.S. and to return.

The Bahamas have a great web site making flying to and from The Bahamas easy:

Be sure you understand the procedure for crossing the ADIZ:  get a discrete squawk
code from Miami Flight Service (not ATC) before penetrating the ADIZ.


Sue Harrelson

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