Posted for "David Parr" <>:
I have
a Lancair 320 (N320DP), though it hasn't flown for a few years. Long story short...Divorce...airplane broke, builder more broke...I
need to find GM-2 (main gear casting), from an original kit, perferably around the 1992 timeframe. I need it for the Left side,
although mine is actually marked with a "-R". I'm thinking they may have used the same part on the "235", but had the axel pointing
outboard (It points inboard on the 320). Maybe they just had them stamped wrong...I'm not sure. Lancair, wouldn't admit to
anything. Apparently the machining of that part had been slipping over the years, or it changed after they stopped manufacturing the 320
kits, and the holes are in the wrong spots. I sent my old bent part to Lancair about 7 years ago, and they supposedly put it on a
CAD system, and re-machined another part. Unfortunately, now 7 years later, the part still doesn't fit and Lancair only has a few of th
GM-2 parts left and only for the Right side. I was hoping to see if anyone has a kit they are parting out, and would be willing
to sell the GM-2 casting. Thanks, David Parr