Thanks Bob-
Your advice is greatly appreciated and thanks also to
the others who responded. 3/16- 1/4" from the housing seems to be the way to
go. I had the instrument panel position located but I'm so far away from
mounting the seats I had no way to judge leg position.
This probably is old news but just in case- an easy way to support the
aileron push tubes in the wings is to use mixing cups. An old one with a bit
of leftover epoxy in it gives added strength. That helps when positioning
the pressure box.
This leads me to yet another question- I found that the aileron pushrods
overlap the lower brackets for the speed brakes when the outboard bellcranks
are moved to the "UP" position marked inside the wings. I haven't fitted
the ailerons yet so perhaps this isn't really a problem but before I bond
the pressure box should the pushrod be centered in the access tube at the
wing root as I had assumed or should it be located toward the front to help
increase clearance?
Thanks again to all- Bill Wade