Dear subscribers,
I learned from an aircraft mechanic at our airport that many
components in a certified airplane have a limited life time.
For examples hoses for hydraulics, brakes or fuel need to be
replaced after ten years.
When I wanted to put the fuel pump back in the plane on my
4P rebuild project I found on the back of the pump the note that the pump needs
to be replaced or serviced after ten years.
I had a pre buy inspection done at Lancair. At this time
most of the components were already 12 years old. Lancair didn’t mention
anything about expired components.
I am wondering if I should put all my old stuff back in the
plane as long as it looks half way decent or if should replace certain things.
What components do I need to replace – the components
of my 4P are approx 13 years old but the plane has just 240 hrs. I would
describe the physical appearance of most of the components as old and messy.
Thanks for your help
Phone: (419) 369 12 33
Fax: (419) 369 33 32