This is case of creating a problem that wasn't
there. My experience might ease someone's tension in the
While practicing an approach I got a "check engine"
from the Chelton. The indication was low voltage. I quickly saw the
hydraulic pump was running continuously. I pulled the hydraulic pump
breaker. I got a "gear transition" light so I suspected no hydraulic
pressure which was confirmed when I looked at the gauge.
I figured the best thing to do was to leave
everything as it was and hand pump the gear down and land. This worked
just fine.
Now the problem was that for the first time in over
600 hours of flying this thing, when I had set the flaps at 10 degrees I
had left the flap handle a little out of the detent and the valve was
just dumping the high side pressure to the low side and just kept the hydraulic
pump running.
Some days I think that if every thing is going well
I just create a problem for the practice. At least my rebuild of the gear
hand pump worked well.
Dan Reagan
IVP 650 hours