----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 6:54
Subject: [LML] Seatbelts in Lancair
I am doing the interior on my 360 and originally I planned on
using the plans version of mounting the shoulder harnesses to the baggage
bulkhead. I am having second thoughts and want to get this sorted out quickly
before my interior is finished. I would like a 5 point rotary buckle system.
Currently I have it set up to have the shoulder harness be a "Y" and bolt to
the rear baggage bulkhead built in hardpoints per plans. This takes my seat
belts across the baggage area which could end up causing problems.
I would like to attach the harness to the seat back itself but I have a
box on the pax side that houses my hyd. pump and battery so it would make
installation here more difficult. I read an article that says Do Not mount
them on the ceiling.
Looking for ideas and advice. Also would like advice on where to get 5
point harnesses. I dont want Ebay motors seatbelts.