I spent about 2 hours installing 2 of these snap rings. I heard u can buy cheap snap ring pliers at harbor freight that will get the job done.
I ended up using a long round file to help push one side of the ring and then I used a socket on the end of a long extension to push on the other side of the ring. Those along with a lot of frustration, talking to myself and cussing that got them on.
------Original Message------
Sender: Lancair Mailing List
ReplyTo: Lancair Mailing List
Subject: [LML] Snap Ring Tools
Sent: Dec 25, 2008 6:42 AM
Okay, so how do you install the snap ring on the 90 degree antenna cable connector at the back of the radio trays? I'm told the SRT-2 is the tool to use, but $140 for something I'll use for 10 minutes?
Any other ideas, gents?
- Rob Wolf
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