I bought a kit second hand back in 05 from someone. And I was digging thru the paperwork and found that it was registered with the FAA and has a tail number. I googled it and its still showing as a registered N number with my kit serial number. I have no idea why anyone would register a kit. Registration was never transfered to me when I bought it. Only the transfer paperwork with Lancair was done.
I dont want it registered as this tail number anyway.
So when I go to apply for new registration when its finished can I apply with my chosen N number and use the same serial number? Or am I gonna have problems with this. Can I just use a made up serial number? Also the current serial has a 320 in it for the designation of it as a 320. I have a built it as a 360 can I change that portion of the serial number to say 360?
Any advice would help. Thanks