I do appreciate your efforts with LOBO, but I do have a comment.
It seems that the early focus of LOBO has been on Instructor standardization, developing a teaching syllabus, and coordination with the FAA and the insurance industry. That program has been in place by Pete Z. and HPAT for some time. Wouldn't it be best to coordinate efforts with HPAT and focus on the real problem-the apparent indifference to training many (over)confident pilots have...
Just a thought.
Craig Gainza 520hrs IV-P
To: lml@lancaironline.net Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 11:30:53 -0500 From: vtailjeff@aol.com Subject: [LML] Re: Insurance
Art & LML,
You read our mind. LOBO is working on these issues. Last weekend LOBO hosted a LOBO Lancair Instructor Pilot Standardization (LOBO LIPS) seminar in St. Louis. Great weekend with some very experienced instructors in Lancairs. We have develeped a very good Lancair flight and ground training program after reviewing all Lancair accident stats. LOBO has been talking to the FAA and the insurance industry in order to reverse our negative safety trend and to help us get where we need to be viz. insurance. Our training program is being forwarded to the FAA for review for FITS acceptance. We will soon begin instructor standardization and evaluation. LOBO will be hosting maintenance seminars this spring in the Washington DC area and in St. Louis. I promised you all that we would work hard on these issues and it is happening. For now, we need more LOBO members! There definitely is strength in numbers here. If you are not a member, join. If you already are a member please recruit a new member. fmi see www.lancairowners.com
Best Holiday Regards,
Jeff Edwards
President, LOBO