I bought a kit second hand back in 05 from someone.
And I was digging thru the paperwork and found that it was registered
with the FAA and has a tail number. I googled it and its still showing as
a registered N number with my kit serial number. I have no idea why anyone
would register a kit. Registration was never transfered to me when I
bought it. Only the transfer paperwork with Lancair was done.
I dont want it registered as this tail number anyway.
So when I go to apply for new registration when its finished
can I apply with my chosen N number and use the same serial number? Or am
I gonna have problems with this. Can I just use a made up serial number? Also
the current serial has a 320 in it for the designation of it as a 320. I
have a built it as a 360 can I change that portion of the serial number to say
Any advice would help. Thanks
The FAA Registry is going to be very picky. They want
traceability from Lancair to you, with all the proper paperwork! My suggestion
would be to first go online to the FAA registry and pick out what N# you want
and reserve it. I think it will cost you $10. Secondly, you can order from EAA
a kit that has a very good instruction book and all the forms you will need,
plus some other goodies you will need. Thirdly, I would call the registry and
ask them about the cancelation of the previous N#. I am guessing that you will
have to contact the previous owner to send a letter to the FAA Registry and
request that they cancel the N# and be specific that the kit has been sold. I
would suggest that anything required from the previous owner, you prepare and
send with a return self addressed envelope, that way you are in charge of your
destiny. The FAA will also want an Aircraft Bill of Sale from the previous
owner to you. How do I know all this? Just went through the very same process
earlier this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to call.
Giff Marr
LIV-P/Mistral N229GM