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I remember long ago when first receiving flight training, my instructor told me that
there was always a chance that a some one might accidentally fuel my aircraft with Jet-A. The instructor told me
that you should try the sniff test, but, additionally throw the fuel on the pavement. Jet-A takes a lot longer
to evaporate than Avgas. In this day and age, it may be that to test in this fashion may create other issues, but
truly, Jet-A will feel more oily than Avgas and will of course take longer to evaporate. In the last few
weeks we have lost several Lancairs to what appears to be failure to properly pre-flight the aircraft. Whether it
is an open canopy, weather related, mis-fueling incidents or failing to properly attach winglets, the fact is
that the time you spend pre-flighting your aircraft is the most important time you will spend during your "flight."
Other than preparing for the flight by conducting a proper pre-flight, it is important to remember than if an
emergency takes place, you must continue to fly the aircraft as you have been trained. Engine outs on takeoff are
generally disasterous, however, they are survivable. Spend the time to properly train in your Lancair.
There is nothing more disheartening than having to hear that another Lancair has gone down. Please be careful!