Posted for Kevin Kossi <kevin@airforcemechanical.com>:
I used a Night Vision Monoscope for sailing to see other boats, reefs and
another non lit obstructions that lay in the water.
I found it invaluable and wished I had spent more money on a more powerful
I still have it, and will take it up with me the next time I fly at night
and let you know how it works out.
I'll go to a familiar farm area I use to practice engine outs without
actually landing, and see how it performs.
Who knows, it may end up in my flight bag alongside my survival kit and food
Kevin Kossi
What do you guys think about night vision goggles for added safety
factor for single engine night flying. I'm talking about for the
unfortunate event of engine failure, not tooling around wearing them
;). The prices on them have been reduced over the years, and it
would be cheaper than buying a twin. Any thoughts?
Steve Reeves
Glasair 1FT 38SR