Thank you for your request for
quotation for flexible tubes. The
designators for AN4 fittings on each
end, prices and availability are
as follows.
1 line 15.5 inches long
F3737-15.5 $114.00 each -Master cylinder to left side
1 line 18.5 inches long
F3737-18.5 $114.00 each-Master cylinder to left side
2 lines 39.0 inches long
F3737-39 $118.00 each -cross
over between pedals
1 line 45.0 inches long
F3737-45 $118.00 each-right
side pedal to aluminum line
1 line 53.0 inches long
F3737-53 $122.00 each--right
side pedal to aluminum line
All of these tubes are non-stock
lengths for shipment would be 1 to 2 weeks ARO.
If you have any questions, please let
me know.
Best regards,
Sue Doty
Product Order Administrator
Tel: 602.431.9400 ext. 205
Fax: 602.431.9559