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Just looking at the Grand 51 Mustang replica in the new Kitplanes and was
really struck by those big stacks coming out over the wing. That is a low
pressure area and that seems like a great idea--but for the noise. Any other
drawbacks to not tucking the stack under the belly?
Just finally runnig final system tests on my 235 and discovered that the
pump isn't shutting down either gear up or down. I've bled the system
thoroughly. The motor starts to labour when it comes up to pressure but
doesn't cut out. I'd appreciate any thoughts.
[Re: your hydraulic system problem... sounds like your pressure switches
are inoperative or possibly miswired. The proper wiring diagram is
available on the LML attachment area. Let us know if this helps. <Marv> ]
LML website: http://www.olsusa.com/Users/Mkaye/maillist.html
Builders' Bookstore: http://www.buildersbooks.com/lancair