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Subject: Down anywhere !!
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     As one of the few  Lancair pilots  to sucessively recover form a inadvertant stall/spin event and in IMC..let me plead with everyone to get SPIN training.  I certainly don't ascribe to my event as a badge of honor, but rather a ROTE/JUST DO IT/Scared S--TLESS event.  Everything goes to hell in a handbasket abruptly and quite violently, I was climbing out of Camarillo ,CA thru a marine layer bases 2000' ,tops 5500"+ entoute to ElMonte,CA. APC amended my clearance and upon transmitting a reply, it happened.. a "hard up" on the A/P, a momentary scan lapse (certainly), a pull back on the stick as I transmitted, who knows, but the spin training I had had years ago in a T-34 made all the difference. Power off, stick neutral, fight the rotation with rudder.  We went in the about 5500' and I recovered just below the cloud base at 1900"  APC took me out over the ocean to complete the "On Top"(don't blame "em) and me and 320J went on to do the VOR APC the ElMonte OK
     My reason for all of the above is to plead with all of us to carry a few more knots on approaches until in ground effect.  I don't let the airspeed  bleed off below 100 kts until on final.  How many times have you had to tighten the turn to final, especially with a cross wind,  to find an abnormal sink rate,  Gang, in my 235/320 anyway, you' re half way to a statistic.  Regards to all  Don Skeele N320J in FL..