Mailing List Message #33828
From: Alan K. Adamson <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Annual Get together?
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 21:28:37 -0500
To: <>
Ok, I'm probably going to create more work for myself that I care to
admit.... But....

I've noticed that the Cessna guys all have an annual "unofficial" event.
One that those that participate on their electronic forum put together.
Usually a long weekend in some strategic location somewhere in the US.  They
will plan family/couple/single events, food, drink, housing options, etc.
It's happened, in AZ one year, VA last year, and talk of Branson this year.
It's really not a formal "event", just a place together with others that
share a common interest, trade stories, swap ideas, have fun, and most
importantly relax.  Also this presents an opportunity to meet in person
those that are only known by an email address,  "screen name" or "handle".

I also noticed that the RV guys do this too, this always seems to happen at
Lakeland (Sun N Fun), in Jan (actually this weekend).  Same deal, fly in on
thurs/Friday, and out on Sunday.  In the case of the RV guys, it's a little
more formal, they put together a "program" with speakers, etc.  Probably
more like the annual fly-in at the Lancair Factory, but this one happens at

So, I got to thinking, perhaps, we aren't a "social" group, and I know there
are "regional" events being planned, but does it make sense to think about
an "unofficial" get together for Lancair builders/owners/pilots?

Of course, we'd have to come up with a catchy name like - ALPS (Annual
Lancair Pilots Shindig) :)  or some such.

Is there enough interest for me to ponder putting in any more effort around
this topic?  Stuff like finding a location, airport facilities, gas
discounts, housing, event options (golf, shows, etc)?

Let me know if interested... I'm building away, but all work and no fun,
makes Alan a Dull boy :)...Just don't tell my wife.

Atlanta, GA
LEG2 - #284

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