Marquis D' Queensbury rules take precedence over raw emotion here
on the LML. "Arrogant Ass" may only be applied to a four-legged
creature if struck below the belt by the hooves of same. Struck above
the belt (usually where coherent thought is believed to be somewhere located) by
logic, opinion (I.E. IMHO), data, strong belief, argumentative acumen,
experience and good sentence structure, the only fair response is to
utilize the same elements (IMHO). Thus, useful TO and FRO.
After picking the lint out of my navel, humming "YMCA" to myself for hours
and staring at a spinning spiral, I have determined (for myself only) that I am
an IEniac (eye - een - eee - ack) and a lightning-phobe. Always have
been, always will be since the insulator I fly is just full of gadgets that
don't like giga-volts trying to get from hither to yon.
This fear started when I was a young man building a electric worm
turner - two brass curtain rods plunged into the earth about 2 feet
apart and hooked up thru light bulbs to house current. Not only was I
shocked by the worms emerging, but by the device itself - many, many
times. But, I digress.
PS I don't see many birds flying in a thunderstorm - but, then again, who's