Mailing List Message #33620
From: <>
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Subject: Ignition Systems and Arrogant Asses
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 22:01:08 -0500
To: <>
A most interesting set of diatribes on ignition systems!  Thanks for all of the insight, which will all be taken with mountains of salt.  In fact, this is typical of most requests for information on this list -- seven responses with eleven contradictory opinions -- leaving us to separate the wheat from the chaff on our own.  Oh, and every now and then someone's temper flares up and we feel a little stupid afterwards.  And yet, most of the posts are entertaining and informative.
At least we have the freedom to choose for ourselves.  When I go back to work I'll have to convince the FAA that I'm on the path to righteousness (I work on a certified airplane project), but in my own workshop, I am King.
I have tremendous respect for both Brent Regan (to whom I have listened for almost a decade) and Paul Tackabury (who I first met in his garage in 1980 when his Long-EZ was still bare foam).  I look forward to their continued contributions.
As for my own Lancair's ignition system, I'll be using a Slick magneto on one side and Klaus' LSE system on the other.  How's that for fence-sitting?
Oh, yes, and there are definitely some arrogant asses on this list -- at times even myself -- but I won't tell you who I think they are...
- Rob Wolf
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