I can attest to the fact that wood is a much better absorber than metal! I can't remember who asked me this, but they wanted to know how many wooden bells I had seen. I switched from wood to a Sensenich metal prop a few months back and the vibration is driving me crazy. The performance is outstanding (compared to what I was flying with before) but the vibrations I have picked up have me ready to throw it out and mortgage something in order to purchase a constant speed MT. If I did that and the vibration remained I will probably go jump off of a bridge. It idles very smoothly (hence the flywheel statement on the list) but I can't fly around at 700 to 1000 RPM. It also flies nicely at around 2100 to 2200 but who wants to do that? I purchased new engine vibration isolators and have had the prop dynamically balanced. It was already near perfect so that was a complete waste of 250 bucks plus a round trip to NC. I needed new isolators anyway...my nose had started sagging. I purchased the Lord mounts from Lancair (although I have a Glasair ;) ). My engine is not plumbed for a hydraulic prop (O-320 E3D) so without going through a ton of trouble I assume the MT electric is my only choice. I have heard great things about it, but my God these constant speed props are an arm and a leg... but what isn't on an airplane. I had to take a BFR in a spam can a couple of weeks ago and it felt like a turbine to me. Granted it was a 6cyl with 3 blade prop but still.... Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts I would be more than happy to hear them, otherwise I guess I need to start raising money. The one thing that REALLY bothers me is if I fork out that kind of money and I still end up with the same problem.
End of rant.
Steve Reeves
Glasair 1FT 38SR