If the scratches aren’t too deep you
might try Aeropoxy Light http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/wppages/aeropoxylight.php
This is easily applied with a steel squeegee available at most Auto Paint
Suppliers. It feathers out very well but don’t try to fill anything
over say 1/64” deep. Then it would be better to use micro. I
have had good luck with West System Epoxy #105 for micro fill http://www.aircraftspruce.com/menus/cm/epoxy.html
I prefer it because it will wet more micro so it is both lighter and
easier to sand.
A tip I picked up in a forum at OSH was to put the first
coat of filler primer like WLS on with rag. Get an area about one sq. ft.
really wet and scrub it in with a circular motion. This does a great job
of filling the pinholes, then use a plastic squeegee to smooth it out.
Since most of this coat gets sanded off the high build is not a problem.
Unfortunately there seem to be no real
shortcuts. Fog on a light guide coat with a rattle can to find the really
low spots that need micro, Aeropoxy Light for thin touch ups and then go with
the WLS.
Steve Colwell……….Legacy
in the sanding phase