One more comment on the 27R approach at Gillespie Field: In addition to PAPI, that runway has a 1300' displaced threshhold, expressly to provide additional terrain clearance for approaches over rising terrain to the east. Ignoring the PAPI is one thing, but to get so low as to hit a perimeter fence beyond a displaced threshhold, in clear weather no less, seems inconceivable to me. Bottom line (how many times have we heard this) is not to accept a bad approach. Clean it up while you're out far enough to safely do so or go around. Skip Slater
Guys, all of your comments are right on target. It does not take away from what's being said, but let's remember we are dealing with *very* preliminary information. We do not know if he lost power, etc.
FWIW, this is one of the reasons why I love the overhead approach and use it whenever possible. Yes, it is a "warbird" thing, but it accomplishes some very nice safety "extras" including: better visibility of traffic in the pattern, increased altitude and airspeed until inside the airport boundry which means you *should* always be able to make the runway no matter what happens to the power, and you also become a higher priority target for others because you're flying a non-standard pattern. Obviously it needs to be used carefully at a non-towered airport, but IMO it is safer, and waaaaay more fun, too!