Having a map on the HSI is a huge improvement over a needle and a to/from
flag. I know I sound awfully spoiled, saying an HSI is old tech, my point
was if you are going to put a big glass screen in your airplane with a computer
and AHRS, you should get more than a flat horizon line. This started with
a comparison of Chelton and Avidyne.
I learned to fly IFR with back course approaches with reverse needle
sensing, ADFs that wander, flying holding patterns with 3 laps to get the
inbound leg right. Figuring out how to keep your procedure turns inside
the maximum distance.
The new technology is awesome. I was flying around the Atlanta Class
B with the rings displayed on the MX20, including all the altitudes. I
remember circumnavigating the Los Angeles TCA/Class B with a DME and VOR
radials. I'd never go back!
The fact that we can now install radios and autopilots that will enter a
hold, fly a full procedure turn, change frequencies, and fly an ILS or WAAA
approach to minimums with minimal pilot workload is amazing.