Posted for Walter Atkinson <walter@advancedpilot.com>:
You are right. It is important to remember that the majority of the air
going INTO most cowls goes right back out of the FRONT of the cowl, toward
the prop! Kinda puts "leaks" in perspective, doesn't it ! ? ! <g>
Cooling effectiveness is enhanced by WHERE the air goes. Cooling drag is
affected, among other things, by how much of the air moves freely through
the system and out along the path we want it to take going out!
In a perfect cowl, I'd like no more air coming in than I need for cooling
and have it all go exactly where I want it to go and OUT where I want it to
go out.
That sure is easy to say but difficult to accomplish.
[ I don't see how any air can excape out the prop hole in cont powered
lancair -Rob ]