Gary -
A great start on the problem. We are about at the same point on our ES. Did you see the two articles recently posted? They have some good information:
http://x-jets.com/a_downdraft_cooling.html and http://x-jets.com/a_cooling_efficiency.html.
Of course there is George's generous offer of a seminar in ADA, OK. That should be a great one and judging from the response so far, it may have to be held in a nearby pasture - a la Woodstock :-))
Be sure to post your progress on the ES forum on Yahoo.
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 09:41:38 -0400, Gary Casey <glcasey@adelphia.net> wrote:
I'm about to figure out the cooling system on my ES, so all the recent
postings on cooling were very interesting, although none seemed to impart
any take-it-home factual information. From what I can tell, there are no
real "secrets" on cooling systems, only a lot of obscure facts. Here is
what I have gathered about the issue: ...