Joe Trepicone asked about ideas for the gear leg finish on the L4.
I now have over 250 flight hours on my 4P and at first I was very concerned about the same thing. Mine came out with some resin spots that took a lot of work to get off and then had some shinning spots that I didn't like. I have a Detail/Waxing person that helps me keep it clean and he used a Mother's Mag and Aluminum Polish and a 3M fine pad to grab and run around the leg. It came out looking like shining Nickel. It lasts a long time until dirty or wet spots appear. The only time I have to redo the finish is after I land in the rain and the spots dry on the legs, after a week you can see a little rust starting to form, but it comes off with the dirt even by using a paper towel. After experiencing the real world I don't think even powder coating would be any easier to take care of and probably would show the rub marks more from the door cam track. These legs come with a good, I think, Nickel plating with a satin finish. I couldn't keep the satin finish but feel the shining look is better.
Good Luck,
Jim Hergert
N6XE, "An Sex Y" L4P