Hi Scott
All your points are valid. There is a very large tolerance for structures in these aircraft due to the "knucklehead factor". I suspect most planes we've seen are pretty well done structurally, whether the sticky stuff is kept beyond the recommended shelf life or not. For REALLY CRITICAL things, I get new resin and I don't mind spending a few extra bucks. But in reality, when Martin did the structural analysis, I think he had to design to the level of village idiot. Well, maybe a step above that. But a reasonable designer would figure that not everyone is equally talented and some excess tolerance should be given to those who's skills are somewaht deficient.
Do I think I will keep this plane forever? No I don't. I'll probably need to sell it at some point for the next one to be flying. So I will plan on doing a very professional job and documenting it.
Remember, as soon as someone makes something idot proof, they build a better idiot!
Dan Newland