Mailing List Message #22576
From: Dan Schaefer <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: gps antennae for 320
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 17:51:32 -0500
To: <>
Re: Ridge Dickey's question about where some of us have mounted their GPS

Ridge, I'm flying an early, all glass, LNC2 and have a King KLX-135A GPS/Com
(VFR use) in my panel. The antenna is mounted top center, directly behind
the fuselage roll-over bulkhead. I fashioned an L-shaped bracket, attached
to the rear of the bulkhead, and mounted the antenna on it's top-side. The
cable runs around the upper fuselage, down to the elevator push-rod housing
and forward thru the center console to the panel and then up to the avionics
stack. I would guess the cable run is about 10 feet and my unit has worked
flawlessly for the last 7 or 8 years.

I make the point that my Lancair is all glass since the antenna has no
apparent problems receiving the GPS signal thru it. If your airplane is
graphite, disregard all of the above.

Dan Schaefer
LNC2   N235SP

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