Posted for "Eric M. Jones" <emjones@charter.net>:
Who is Bob N?
Surely you jest....okay he is Bob Nuckolls, the moderator of the
aeroelectric list on the matronics list server. Aircraft Electro-Guru.
Why eschew internally regulated alternators? The (F) field line to
externally regulated alternators turns out to be very useful since it is
only a few amps. Interrupting it with an overvoltage module is easy.
The B+ lead however carries the entire alternator output current as well as
being attached to the battery.
Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge MA 01550-2705
Phone (508) 764-2072
Email: emjones@charter.net
[ bob N also has a $$ stake in b&c, makers of an external regulator,
that I have two of in my plane -Rob ]