I can’t wait any longer to submit names for the
discounted Legacy Quick Drain fitting for the IO-550.
The regular price is $125.00, and our list goes to the
manufacturer on Monday. If you are ready (and, trust me, you will want
one after your first oil change….oil changes in the Legacy are no fun
without this fitting) now, the price is only $100.00.
Once again, here is the link so you can see the fitting we
are talking about at http://rob.com/lancair/2003.03/oil.jpg
The Part we are ordering is the grey 45 degree angled
fitting. One must place their existing drain plug into the drain hole
with a fresh crush washer, then torque it properly. After it is confirmed
that it does not leak, mark the forward edge of the drain plug with a permanent
marker or etch mark. Then the plug must be mailed to the manufacturer who
will make the angle fitting for your engine (that’s why he needs the exact frontal edge marked,
so it will fit and work properly.
I will wait until Monday morning the 5th of
January, then put all the orders together and submit them for their discount.
Please email me with your email address if you are ready to
order this part. After the manufacturer gets the names, you can each
order it directly.
Happy New Year to all,
Ron Brice