For Craig Blitzer -
The armrests in my L-IVP are pretty much by the
manual with one exception. I made the rear 6 inches of the armrest behind
the pilot removable just in the event the aft pressure bulkhead ever had to be
removed. In my case, it was lucky I did, since I had to remove the
bulkhead after my ground accident and even then it was very difficult to
remove. Without the removabe armrest section, it would have been
Also, I installed a handgrip on each side of the
cockpit wall primarily to assist in adjusting seats. Works great especially for co-pilot since they dont have to grab
the bottom of the instrument panel to pull seat forward.
You should be able to find plenty in your choice of colors at your
local wrecking yard. I mounted mine using the technique in the manual for
installing the seatbelt anchors. It was a very simple job. --Regards, Bill