In a message dated 11/7/2003 9:48:45 AM Central Standard Time, writes:
The sound "sounds" like it is coming from the rear of the plane, but I can't
really tell. It also "sounds" about the same as when I drop an inch of
flaps at 140 KIAS to get slowed down to gear speed.
After ignoring this for quite awhile (correcting other items higher on my list), I have a similar problem. However, mine seem to be rpm related, but does not sound like direct engine vibration. I have recently replaced the elevator hinge pins with .005 oversized stainless "piano wire" that makes the elevator looseness completely disappear. I still get the vibration at 2480 rpm and some lower settings, never in climb, always in an energetic pull-up, and nonexistent at WOT, 2700 rpm. ????? When I listen to the fuselage with a stethoscope, I do not pick up anything special? Right now I am investigating any possible engine to cowling contact. Then, nose gear door. I had the prop balanced this summer, but????
Scott Krueger
II-P N92EX IO320 Aurora, IL (KARR)