I recently acquired the WxWorx system using X-M and displayuing it on a Sony
VAIO TR1A notebook. 3lbs ! Over 4 hrs battery life --as brite or brighter
than any I've seen. A great notebook under $2000 .
I'm hoping that I'll soon be able to incorporate the WX in my new MX-20
and use the notebook for work.
By the way-- I compared the WxWorx and the WSI side by side and it was no
contest. My favorites were- cloud tops/plain language METARs and TAFs/higher
In real wx dodging it has saved the day -4 times in a month's use.
I have been amazed that it has proved my visual analysis and judgement to be
so faulty.
But by believing the eqpt -- it's been smooth sailing.
I saw the comparison at Lancair of Texas//
(817) 439-1875
Lancair of Texas
101 Aviator Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76179