Mailing List Message #18175
From: Lee Metcalfe <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: [LML] Hotrod 320s vs. 360s
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 23:27:32 -0500
To: <lml>
>>I'm just dying to get your "53 lb weight savings, 10:1, Lycon, "I beat alot of 360 guys", yadda, yadda, yadda" in my gunsight.  Bring it on!  Larry<<
Hey, Henney, you better strap on your iron underwear 'cause I'm comin' down there next weekend to smoke your butt!  Yessiree, my airplane's up and runnin', 'ceptin I got some kinda funky fuel supply problem that's causing it to lean out above 3/4 throttle.  Iffin I get that worked out before Saturday, you better bend over and kiss your a__ goodbye!
Q-Tip (man, I gotta change that wussy call sign!)
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